Bravo Academy's New Music Theatre Intensives provide innovative, modern, advanced and highly specialized music theatre training for both young and emerging artists. Through producing contemporary music theatre, our intensive programs assist and advance artists. We strive to challenge and educate artists to reach their potential, by working with leading professionals and artists. This program will accept students ages 13 to 19 for an intensive rehearsal process, directed by top industry professionals and culminating in professionally-designed performances at our Bravo Academy Zlotnik Studio Theatre. Limited bursaries and scholarships may be available; contact us to find out more.

  • Create a role in a NEW MUSICAL!
  •  Work in SMALL CASTS led by industry professionals!
  • Perform in a CONTEMPORARY music theatre production
  • Challenge your Music Theatre skills at a PROFESSIONAL level!
  • COLLABORATE on new material!

Summer 2021: Show TBA!

Program Dates

Aug 16-27
Monday - Friday

Show Dates

August 27 & 28





Video Submission Deadline

March 1, 2021